The 3 "Classes of Matter" are Elements, Compounds, and mixtures. Commonly mistaken for the 3 "Phases of Matter" which are solids, liquids, and gases.
3 classes
You should probably take classes that relate to your desired career, if any are offered at your high school. General classes to take are English and Math, and other college-preparatory classes. In the end though, the classes that you choose in high school generally won't matter as much to a college as how well you did (your GPA (grade pooint average)) and your test scores. If you are trying to get into a really prestigious college it would matter more.
your mom goes to college bahaha excuse me sir but i believe your mom goes to college
That depends on how many classes went into the 1.3. The more there have been so far, the more future classes it will take to change it, and the longer that will take, no matter how well you do in the future ones. BTW -- We wouldn't bank too heavily on future math classes.
you asked that horribly, did you get 3 b's in 3 different honor classes or 1 b in honor classes?
3 classes
3 classes of early society in Philippines
3 classes
Ultimately, the social classes can't mix.
You get the same degree no matter if you take the classes online or in person. With online classes you get to do the work when you want, but it takes a lot more discipline to do well.
because it criticizes the upper classes and represents the hypocrisy in their classes and that is a social matter.
cna classes vary in length from 3 weeks to 3 to 4 months.
There are no "the 3" of matter.
No it is not bad if you do so because it does not matter since you are majoring in something else. Most colleges only require 2 or 3 science classes to get into the college. Since you are not majoring in science related field, you are fine taking just enough to get in. Another thing that might help you is if those 3 classes that you took were some of the more challenging classes. 3 years of the harder science classes might mean more than 4 of the easier ones.
I would start by looking at your alma-matter and see if they offer classes. If not, I would look at local classes around you.
It will probably take about up to 10 years