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Oxygen, heat and fuel :)

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Q: What are the 3 elements of a combustion triangle?
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What is the combustion triangle?

The combustion triangle is a concept that represents the three elements necessary for a fire to occur: fuel, heat, and oxygen. These elements must be present in the right proportions for combustion to take place. If one of these elements is removed or changed, the fire will extinguish.

How many basic elements of a triangle are there?

A triangle has 3 sides and 3 angles.

What are the 3 elements of the fire triangle?

Heat, fuel, and oxygen.

What are the conditions required for the existence of triangle?

to construct a triangle, we need 3 parts / elements out of which one should be a side

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ScopeTimeCostThese 3 elements together are also referred to as the Iron Triangle

Is phosphorus necessary for a fire to take place?

No phosphorus is not necessary for fire to take place.The fire triangle or combustion triangle is a simple model for understanding the ingredients necessary for most fires.The triangle illustrates a fire requires three elements: heat, fuel and an oxidizing agent(usually oxygen).

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What does a combustion reaction does?

A combustion reaction involves the three reactants from the fire triangle, heat, oxygen, and fuel.

What 3 elements are required combustion?

The three elements required for combustion are fuel, oxygen, and heat. Fuel provides the substance to burn, oxygen is the oxidizing agent to react with the fuel, and heat initiates the combustion process by raising the temperature of the fuel to its ignition point.

What are hydrogen and oxygen the main elements of?

mainly water ,they are two basic elements of combustion.

Which elements is always present in combustion reaction?


What is the fire triagnle?

it is Oxygen, heat, fuel. the fire triangle is just a short saying for all these elements