

Best Answer

Too much, or too little:

1- Sunshine

2- Rain

3- soil fertilizer

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Q: What are the 3 factors that decrease crop productivity?
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Determinants of agriculture productivity?

1)Type of soil 2)crop to be grown 3)availability of water 4)physiographic conditions like temprature,humidity

Why are some ecosystems productive than others?

Productivity depends on a number of factors, including (1) the total amount of sunlight the biome receives, (3) rainfall during the growing season, (2) temperature, (3) variability in climate, (4) number of species living there (more species means more productivity, all other things being equal), and may other factors. Since these factors vary across the earth, productivity varies too.

What are 3 abiotic factors of the grassland?

Temperature, water, and soil are 3 abiotic factors.

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Increase by a factor of 6 means multiply by 6 Decrease by a factor of 6 means divide by 6 The factors of 6 are 1, 2, 3 and 6.

Why is 4 field crop rotation better than 3 year crop rotation?

4 field crop rotation is better than 3 year crop rotation because it could get the job done faster

What are the different cropping patterns?

Some common cropping patterns include monoculture (growing a single crop on the same land each year), crop rotation (alternating different crops in a sequence), intercropping (growing two or more crops together simultaneously), and agroforestry (integrating trees and shrubs with crops). Each pattern has its own benefits and challenges in terms of soil health, pest control, and crop productivity.

What is the percent decrease from 50 to 3?

94% decrease

What is the percent decrease from 15 to 3?

Decrease = 15 - 3 = 12 So %age decrease = 100*12/15 = 80%

What factors could militate against the productivity of a production system?

FACTORS AFFECTING PRODUCTIVITY 1. Capital/labour ratio: It is a measure of whether enough investment is being made in plant, machinery, and tools to make effective use of labour hours. 2. Scarcity of some resources: Resources such as energy, water and number of metals will create productivity problems. 3. Work-force changes: Change in work-force affect productivity to a larger extent, because of the labour turnover. 4. Innovations and technology: This is the major cause of increasing productivity. 5. Regulatory effects: These impose substantial constraints on some firms, which lead to change in productivity. 6. Bargaining power: Bargaining power of organized labour to command wage increases excess of output increases has had a detrimental effect on productivity. 7. Managerial factors: Managerial factors are the ways an organization benefits from the unique planning and managerial skills of its manager. 8. Quality of work life: It is a term that describes the organizational culture, and the extent to which it motivates and satisfies employees.

What are the factors militating against productivity of a production system?

FACTORS AFFECTING PRODUCTIVITY 1. Capital/labour ratio: It is a measure of whether enough investment is being made in plant, machinery, and tools to make effective use of labour hours. 2. Scarcity of some resources: Resources such as energy, water and number of metals will create productivity problems. 3. Work-force changes: Change in work-force affect productivity to a larger extent, because of the labour turnover. 4. Innovations and technology: This is the major cause of increasing productivity. 5. Regulatory effects: These impose substantial constraints on some firms, which lead to change in productivity. 6. Bargaining power: Bargaining power of organized labour to command wage increases excess of output increases has had a detrimental effect on productivity. 7. Managerial factors: Managerial factors are the ways an organization benefits from the unique planning and managerial skills of its manager. 8. Quality of work life: It is a term that describes the organizational culture, and the extent to which it motivates and satisfies employees.

What multiplying factor decrease a number by 3 percent?

what multiplying factor decrease a number by 3 %

What is the percent decrease 3 hours to half an hour?

An 83.33% decrease.