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topography,climate and Natural Resources

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Q: What are the 3 geographic factors that influence culture?
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The factors that influence the of house bulit in a region (!)the location and climate of a place (2)the construction materials available locally (3)the economic condition of the people

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Answer The three economic factors that influence people to buy are as follows. 1.Advertising 2. Good pricing 3. Credit cards that offer low interest rates.

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Factors that influence language planning include sociopolitical considerations, such as government policies and national identity; demographic factors, like population size and distribution of linguistic groups; economic considerations, including language's impact on trade and business; and cultural factors, such as the preservation of heritage languages and promotion of linguistic diversity.

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Some of the bad effects of western culture are:- 1. Effect on Indian songs and music. 2. LOSS of Indian culture. 3. Influence on dressing style of Indian Youth