on clocks,roman time, and walls on clocks,roman time, and walls on clocks,roman time, and walls
the roman numerals are today used forbook chaptersmathclocksetc
In today's notation of Roman numerals: V-III-MCMXXVI
3 - III
the roman numerals L,X,M,C,I,D ARE the roman numerals that can be used only 3 times
the roman numerals are today used forbook chaptersmathclocksetc
The Romans
MMMM or as (IV) = 1,000*4 = 4,000 which uses less numerals
In today's notation of Roman numerals: V-III-MCMXXVI
3 = III
3 - III
the roman numerals L,X,M,C,I,D ARE the roman numerals that can be used only 3 times
The date 9/3/1996 is written in Roman numerals as: IX/III/MCMXCVI.
Most countries still use Roman numerals in one way or another as for example they are sometimes found on clocks and watches.
They used them to tell time, to measure farm fields, and to count stuff.