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Land, Labour, Capital, and Enterprise

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Q: What are the 4 factors of production?
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Australia's 4 factors of production?

Australia's (and every other country) four factors of production are:LandLabourCapitalEntrepreneurship.Hope this helps

What are factors of production name any four factors of production.?

Factors of production

Define factors of production?

Factors of production are the inputs for the production process. Three basic factors of production are land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship.

What are 4 factors of production and their remuneration in detail?

There are four factors of production. The first is land, which payments are for rent. The second is labor, for which the payment is wage. The third is capital, and the payment is interest. The fourth is entrepreneurship and the remuneration is profit.

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Why do some firms remain small?

Because they might not have the 4 factors of production and the cost of production me be too high or to much for them to handle.

What are the 4 economic factors of production on Chocolate?

Cost of cocoa beans Scale of production Cost to convert to chocolate Cost of selling and distribution

What are three factors of production?

Factors of production are the resources used in producing goods and services. The three factors of production are land, capital and labor.

What are the 4 basic inputs that make up the factors of production?

land , labour , capital , organization

Conclusion for the factors of production structured essay?

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