

What are the 4 kinds of roots?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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Not sure what answer you are looking for, but here are 4 types of roots in math. First is a square roots, next is cube roots, then the nth roots, and lastly rational roots.

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What are the two kinds of plant roots describe them?

The two kinds of plant roots are taproots and fibrous roots. Taproots have a main central root that grows vertically downward, while fibrous roots are a mat of thin, branching roots that spread out horizontally. Taproots are common in dicot plants like carrots, while fibrous roots are common in monocot plants like grasses.

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Special kinds of roots that help tall trees stay upright are called Buttress roots. These roots stick out at the base and on top of the ground. They are usually found on trees that are growing in nutrient poor soil. Buttress roots stabilize the tree.

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The roots of plants in arctic soil are shallow, but I am not sure why. Sorry!

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(3x - 1)(x - 4) so roots are 1/3 and 4

What are kinds of roots describe each?

Aerial roots which are roots that never touch the ground.Fibrous roots which are roots that are thin and branching.Tap roots have a main stalk-like root that plunges deep into the ground.The last is Prop roots which are roots that usually grow at the bottom of a plants stem that help supportand prop it up so it will not get knocked over.

Where the plant get substance from?

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