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I only two, corn and wheat, sorry!

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Q: What are the 4 main products of the Midwest?
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What are the two main waterways in the US Midwest?

The two main waterways in the midwest are the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers.

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Northeast, South, Midwest, and West are four main vegetation regions.

Why do so many products come from the Midwest?

That's where the farms are.

Corn and wheat were the main cash crops of the...?


Where were corn and wheat main cash crops?


What are some products of the Midwest?

The awnser is corn and wheat. =) HOPE THAT HELPS!

Why do so many food products come from the Midwest?

That's where the farms are.

What are 4 major products produced in the Midwest region of the US?

I'm assuming you mean the Midwest of the US. Food crops, such as corn and soybeans, are a major product of the midwest. Here in Wisconsin we have dairy products like cheese and forest products such as paper and lumber. One a lot of people don't know is that Wisconsin is also the largest producer of cranberries in the US.

Is Midwestern the possessive noun for Midwest?

No, "Midwestern" is the adjectival form of "Midwest," used to describe something related to or characteristic of the Midwest region of the United States. The possessive form of "Midwest" would be "Midwest's," as in "the Midwest's climate."