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Passenger (fetus), Passageway (pelvic bone/pelvic structures), Power (uterine contractions), Placenta, Psyche (psychological state), Prayer

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Q: What are the 6 P's of labor and delivery?
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Related questions

What is abnormal labor and delivery called?

There is no legal of medical term for abnormal labor and delivery. The term abnormal or atypical would be used to describe the labor and delivery that was different from what is considered normal.

What are the factors that affect labor and delivery?

Some factors that impact labor and delivery is the mother's health and how much exercise she did while pregnant. For healthy moms, labor and delivery doesn't last long in general.

What are the suffixes for labor and delivery?

Common suffixes for labor and delivery include "-para" (used to indicate number of live births) and "-tocia" (used to denote labor or childbirth).

Who works for obstetrician?

Labor and delivery nurses

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What are the 5 P's of labor and delivery?

The 5 P's of labor and delivery are passenger (the baby), passageway (the birth canal), powers (contractions and pushing), position (maternal positioning during labor), and psychological response (emotional and mental preparation for childbirth). These factors can impact the progress and outcome of labor and delivery.

What are the nurses in the delivery room called?

Nurses in the delivery room are called delivery nurses or labor and delivery nurses. They are also sometimes referred to as delivery room nurses.

What is the opposite of caesarean?

There is no direct opposite. The choice is normal labor (vaginal delivery) or surgical delivery.

What does the medical abbreviation SVD mean?

In labor and delivery, SVD means spontaneous vertex delivery.

What is the opposite of hospice?

labor and delivery?

Should labor and delivery nurse be capitalized?

If it's part of a persons title, then it needs to be capitalized. If you write "I want to be a labor and delivery nurse", then it doesn't need to be capitalized.