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ART. 1231. Obligations are extinguished:

1. By the payment or performance;

2. By the loss of the thing due;

3. By the condonation or remission of the debts;

4. By the confusion or merger of the rights of creditor or debtor;

5. By compensation;

6. By novation.

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Q: What are the 6 modes of extinguishing obligation?
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What are the different modes of extinguishing an obligation?

Payment of PerformanceRemission or CondonationCompensationRescissionAnnulmentPrescriptionMerger of ConfusionNovationLoss of the Thing dueFulfillment of Resolutory ConditionI dont know, but I think these depends on your country. Well, these are what I've learned.

What is the modes of 1 6 5 6 8?

The mode is 6.

What is the mode of 1 1 2 2 5 6 6?

There are actually three modes: 1, 2, and 6.The mode/modes of a set is/are the members that occur most frequently. If multiple members tie for the most frequent, then they all are modes.

What is the line plot of range 7 minimum 6 median 10 modes 8 and 11?

6 7 8 8 8 10 11 11 11 12 13 minimum-6 median-10 range-13-6=7 modes-8,11

How many modes can a set of numbers have?

There can be as many modes as the number of observations.If you roll a regular die 5 times and get 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 then each one of them is a mode. They all appear the most often - more than number 6 did.If the next roll produced a six, there are either 6 modes or none. Opinions differ.There can be as many modes as the number of observations.If you roll a regular die 5 times and get 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 then each one of them is a mode. They all appear the most often - more than number 6 did.If the next roll produced a six, there are either 6 modes or none. Opinions differ.There can be as many modes as the number of observations.If you roll a regular die 5 times and get 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 then each one of them is a mode. They all appear the most often - more than number 6 did.If the next roll produced a six, there are either 6 modes or none. Opinions differ.There can be as many modes as the number of observations.If you roll a regular die 5 times and get 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 then each one of them is a mode. They all appear the most often - more than number 6 did.If the next roll produced a six, there are either 6 modes or none. Opinions differ.

Related questions

What are the different modes of extinguishing an obligation?

Payment of PerformanceRemission or CondonationCompensationRescissionAnnulmentPrescriptionMerger of ConfusionNovationLoss of the Thing dueFulfillment of Resolutory ConditionI dont know, but I think these depends on your country. Well, these are what I've learned.

Six modes of extinguishing an obligation?

PALOCOCOCOCONO 1. Payment or Performance 2. Loss of the thing due 3. Condonation 4. Compensation 5. Confusion or Merger of the rights of the debtor and creditor 6. Novation

What is the modes of 1 6 5 6 8?

The mode is 6.

How many fundamental modes of vibration does benzene have?

Benzene has 6 fundamental modes of vibration, corresponding to the 6 normal vibrational modes of the molecule. These modes involve the stretching and bending of carbon-carbon and carbon-hydrogen bonds within the benzene ring.

What are the kinds of obligation?

1.PuRe oBliGAtIon 2.cOnDItIonAl oBligAtiOn 3.oBliGatIon wItH a pErIod4.aLtErnAtiVe obLIgAtiOn 5.facultatIve oBliGatIon 6.jOiNt oBliGatIon7.sOlIdAry oBliGAtiOn 8.dIvIsiBle obLigAtion 9.inDiViSiBle oBLigAtion10.oBlIGatIOn wIth a pEnaL cODe

What is the mode of 1 1 2 2 5 6 6?

There are actually three modes: 1, 2, and 6.The mode/modes of a set is/are the members that occur most frequently. If multiple members tie for the most frequent, then they all are modes.

How many fundamental modes of vibration does toluene have?

Toluene has 6 fundamental modes of vibration, corresponding to the 6 degrees of freedom in a benzene ring. These modes include stretching and bending vibrations of the carbon-carbon and carbon-hydrogen bonds in the molecule.

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Can you give me an example of a sentence using the word extinguishing?

that red canister is used for extinguishing fires

What are the release dates for Contractual Obligation - 2009?

Contractual Obligation - 2009 was released on: USA: 6 February 2009 (DVD premiere)

What is the line plot of range 7 minimum 6 median 10 modes 8 and 11?

6 7 8 8 8 10 11 11 11 12 13 minimum-6 median-10 range-13-6=7 modes-8,11

What are the two data transfer modes used by hard drives?

DMA which stands for (Direct memory access ) and PIO (Programmed Input/Output) There are 5 PIO Modes from 0-4 and 7 DMA modes from 0-6