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Q: What are the 7 charasteristic of a livingthing?
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Is water a livingthing?

No, water is a bond of hydrogen and oxygen.

Is hen a livingthing?

Yes. A chicken is a living thing...

What are the charasteristic of humans?

language, bipedalism, use of tools.

How is the sun's energy passed to all living things?

by the stem of the livingthing

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What aree non livingthing?

Objects without respiration, food and reproduction are classified as non-living things.

How do livingthing grow?

Living things grow with food light and water and will also thrive under the right temperature

What is a charasteristic of a solution?

In a solution, the solute particles are generally of molecular size or smaller, even much smaller than those in a colloid.

is avirus living thing or non-livingthing if yes then whyif no then why?

They are classified as non living thing because they dont have the characteristics of living things.

What specific charasteristic does helps plant to survive?

their process of food making.ALL green plants need Carbon dioxide to survive and they give oxygen to as their waste gas.

What are the charasteristic of Philippine art?

it depends. other painters paint the simple life of the filipino people. some paintings have omportant people others have jeeps ang filipino dishes.

What is the charasteristic of entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur is a risk-taker, an idealist, a hard worker, a problem solver, a genius, and an inspired person willing to turn a new idea, venture or enterprise into a successful business.