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Colour - however, this can be a very misleading property.

Transparency - Is the crystal transparent, translucent or opaque

Lustre - how shiney is the crystal is, there are various different types of lustre.

Hardness - Expressed in a number between 0 and 10 on the Moh scale.

Streak - the colour of the mineral in powdered form. Easily testable by scratching the mineral on a porcelain plate.

Cleavage - Very characteristic to a mineral is what the preferred cleavage is.

Mode of occurrence - Is it like needles, fibre, tabular, prismatic, etc.

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Q: What are the 7 properties mineralogist use to identify ninerals?
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What is a mineralogist?

A mineralogist is a scientist who studies minerals, including their composition, properties, and formations. They may analyze samples in a laboratory, conduct fieldwork to collect samples, and use various techniques to identify and classify minerals. Mineralogists play a key role in understanding the Earth's geology and mineral resources.

How do you use mineralogist in a sentence?

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What test do mineralogist use to identify minerals?

Mineralogists use various tests to identify minerals, including the Mohs hardness scale, streak test, color, luster, cleavage, and specific gravity. These tests can help in determining the physical and chemical properties of a mineral, which are then compared to known mineral data to make an identification.

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What properties can scientist use to identify minerals?


What properties of minerals do scientist use to identify minerals?

They have to identify their properties. That is how they identfiy the minerals. just kiddinq i dont know how can anyone help me!

How mineralogist identify and classify materials?

Mineralogists identify and classify materials by studying their physical and chemical properties, such as color, hardness, luster, and crystal structure. They use techniques like X-ray diffraction, microscopy, and spectroscopy to analyze samples. By comparing these properties to known mineral data, mineralogists can determine the identity and classification of materials.

What are the observable properties that scientist use to identify minerals?

Observable properties are: color and streak, luster, cleavage and fracture (crystalline structure), and hardness.

Why do mineralogist use hammers?

to break off samples of rocks or to break open a rock.

How do scientists identify the chemical properties of a material?

Scientists use various analytical techniques such as spectroscopy, chromatography, and mass spectrometry to identify the chemical properties of a material. These techniques help in determining the molecular structure, composition, and behavior of the material at a molecular level. By comparing the results with known standards, scientists can identify and characterize the chemical properties of the material.

If you had an unknown substance and were asked to identify it would you use the intensive or extensive properties of the substance?

To identify an unknown substance, you would typically use its intensive properties. Intensive properties, such as density, boiling point, and specific heat, are independent of the amount of substance present and are useful for identifying specific materials.

Can you use crystals you identify minerals?

Yes. Minerals have a crystalline structure and specific crystal properties which aid in their identification.