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There are more than 7 religions.

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Q: What are the 7 relegions?
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What relegions are practiced in Cuba?

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What are the names of five German religions?

There are really no German relegions.

When did afican relegions start?

Africans have always had animistic and tribal religions.

Where do you go to after death?

Most of the relegions Belive that the good doers go to heaven and Wrong doers go to hell.

Does India have all the same religions as Sri Lanka?

Yes, but Sri Lanka doesn't have most of the relegions in India.

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history of indian tradition . relegions . festivals n etc etc

What are the different relegions of the Bible?

The bible focuses mainly on Christianity and all of it's sects, but it is also used by some members of the Jewish religion.

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to be like and a world with people ave different relegions have fun us rocks dude In other words, it means to party on and rock out.

What are two major relegions in Asia?

The two most practiced religions in Asia are probably Islam, and Buddhism. However I'm sure there is a large number of Taoist's as well.

What s Czech Republic major relegions?

Most czechs (up to 80%) are atheists or other non-believers. Most of the remaining are christian either catholic, protestant or not decided.

Is being a hypocrite haraam?

Yes it is one of the major sins in the sight of Allah. Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W) said that people who adopt the customs of other relegions will be raised with then on the day of Qiyaamah.