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Endogenous variables are important in econometrics and economic modeling because they show whether a variable causes a particular effect. Economists employ causal modeling to explain outcomes (dependent variables) based on a variety of factors (independent variables), and to determine to which extent a result can be attributed to an endogenous or exogenous cause.

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Q: What are the Difference between endogenous and exogenous variables?
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What is the difference between exogenous and enodgenous variables?

'''Exogenous''' (or exogeneous) (from the [[wiki/Greek language|Greek]] words "exo" and "genis", meaning "outside" and "generated") refers to an action or object coming from outside a system. It is the opposite of [[wiki/Endogenous|endogenous]], something generated from within the system.

Distinguish between endogenous and exogenous variable?

Endogenous variable is a variable which used in economics for inner side parameters and accelerator coefficient of movement. andExogeneous is outside parameters as taxation,tariff,govt revenues e.t.c

What is the difference between endogenous and exogenous?

1-Endogenous antigens(En.A) originate by the multiplication of pathogen inside the antigen presenting cell, such as pathogen is intracellular multiply in cytoplasm. 2-En.A presented via M.H.C1 molecule recognized by the CD8 and T-lymphocytes. 3-It includes viral and tumor antigens. 1-Exogenous antigens (Ex.A) originates outside and taken by antigen presenting cells when extracellular pathogen are engulfed and kill inside the phagolysosome. 2-Ex.A presented via M.H.C2 molecule recognized by CD4 and T-Lymphocytes. 3-It includes allergens,bacteria structures (like capsule, flagella e.t.c).

What is the difference between variables and rules?

a variable changes a rule doesnt.

What is the difference between internal and external validity?

The difference between internal and external validity is in their nature. Internal validity indicates if a study depicts relation between two variables. External validity on the other hand generalizes the study of the variables.

Related questions

Define and differentiate between endogenous and exogenous variables?

The endogenous variables value is established by the conditions of the other variables in the structure. The exogenous variables value in independent of the conditions of the other variables in the structure. The difference between the endogenous and exogenous variables is the endogenous depends solely on the structure and the exogenous depend on outside elements.

What is the difference between exogenous and enodgenous variables?

'''Exogenous''' (or exogeneous) (from the [[wiki/Greek language|Greek]] words "exo" and "genis", meaning "outside" and "generated") refers to an action or object coming from outside a system. It is the opposite of [[wiki/Endogenous|endogenous]], something generated from within the system.

What is the difference between a exogenous depression and endogenous depression?

Endogenous is internal, biological and somatic Exogensous is externally caused - environmental

What is the difference between an endogenous disease and and an exogenous disease?

Endogenous disease is when the cause is within the body and not outside the body.(eg. appendicitis) Exogenous disease has trigger source outside the body. (eg. infections)

What is the difference between an endogenous disease and an exogenous disease?

Endogenous disease is when the cause is within the body and not outside the body.(eg. appendicitis) Exogenous disease has trigger source outside the body. (eg. infections)

What is the difference between an endogenous disease and exogenous disease?

Endogenous disease is when the cause is within the body and not outside the body.(eg. appendicitis) Exogenous disease has trigger source outside the body. (eg. infections)

What is the difference between predetermined and exogenous variables?

Predetermined variables are determined by factors in the past and cannot be changed, while exogenous variables are determined by factors outside the model being analyzed. Predetermined variables are considered to be endogenous in the context of a model, while exogenous variables are considered to be exogenous.

What is the difference between exogenous and endogenous factors influencing the outcome of the experiment?

Exogenous factors are external influences that affect the experiment, while endogenous factors are internal influences. Exogenous factors come from outside sources, like environmental conditions, while endogenous factors come from within the system being studied. Both types of factors can impact the outcome of the experiment.

What is the difference between endogenous activity and exogenous activity?

Any activity which is occurring outside the system ,and that particular activity also affect the system is known as exogenous activity whereas endogenous activity are those activity that occur within the system ,and also affecting the system.

Distinguish between endogenous and exogenous variable?

Endogenous variable is a variable which used in economics for inner side parameters and accelerator coefficient of movement. andExogeneous is outside parameters as taxation,tariff,govt revenues e.t.c

What does variable held constant mean?

The distinction between these two types of variables is whether the variable regress on another variable or not. Like in a linear regression the dependent variable (DV) regresses on the independent variable (IV), meaning that the DV is being predicted by the IV. Within SEM modelling this means that the exogenous variable is the variable that another variable regresses on. Exogenous variables can be recognized in a graphical version of the model, as the variables sending out arrowheads, denoting which variable it is predicting. A variable that regresses on a variable is always an endogenous variable even if this same variable is used as an variable to be regressed on.

The processes which are in direct conflict with exogenous processes are what?

Endogenous processes are those that are internally driven by an organism, system, or entity, while exogenous processes are external factors that influence the system from outside. Processes that directly conflict with exogenous processes are typically those that originate within the system and contradict or resist the external influences. This can lead to a struggle for control or dominance between internal and external factors.