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The differential of the sine function is the cosine function while the differential of the cosine function is the negative of the sine function.

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Q: What are the Differentiate the sine wave and cosine wave?
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What is the derivation of the wave function?

A simple wave function can be expressed as a trigonometric function of either sine or cosine. lamba = A sine(a+bt) or lamba = A cosine(a+bt) where lamba = the y value of the wave A= magnitude of the wave a= phase angle b= frequency. the derivative of sine is cosine and the derivative of cosine is -sine so the derivative of a sine wave function would be y'=Ab cosine(a+bt) """"""""""""""""""" cosine wave function would be y' =-Ab sine(a+bt)

What happens where the phase shift between the sine wave and cosine wave is 180?

This question makes no sense as the specified condition cannot occur. The phase shift between a sine wave and a cosine wave is always 90 degrees, by definition.

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It's called a sine wave because the waveform can be reproduced as a graph of the sine or cosine functions sin(x) or cos (x).

Drawing the waveform of analog signal?

Should be a sine ( or cosine) wave.

Why we use sin cos etc in sinusoidal wave?

By its very mane, a sinusoidal wave refers to a sine function. The cosine function is simply the sine function that is phase-shifted.

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Generating Sine and Cosine Signals (Use updated lab)

If two integers have the same sign what is the sine of their sum?

Sine(A+ B) = Sine(A)*Cosine(B) + Cosine(A)*Sine(B).

Why cosine wave is used as carrier signal in all modulation techniques. why not sine wave?

The sinusoidal wave is harmonically pure, i.e. it only has one frequency in the frequency domain. If it were not harmonically pure, i.e. if it were not sinusoidal, it would be more difficult, if not impossible, to demodulate it at the receiver.

Why the cos wave is smoother from sine wave?

Neither wave is smoother than the other. However, the two waves are usually evaluated from 0 to 2*pi, and in that case, the cosine wave begins at y=1, and the sine wave begins at 0.

How do you find the cosine and the sine?

Sine= Opposite/ Hypotenuse Cosine= Adjacent/ Hypotenuse

How does the tangent function relate to sine and cosine?

Tangent = sine/cosine provided that cosine is non-zero. When cosine is 0, then tangent is undefined.

What is the derivitive of a sine wave?

Negative cosine f(x) = sin(x) f'(x) = -cos(x)