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flying planes, driving, measuring temperature, sailing

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Q: What are the Example of vectors used in everyday life?
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How are vectors used in daily life?

They are used in airplanes and in sailboats.

Give an example of area used in everyday life?

well it depend what you do but i would say your house

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Ldrs are used in everyday life as solar panels.

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Gasoline is an example of chemical energy. It is used in everyday life to fuel cars, allowing them to move and provide transportation.

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How is algebra used in everyday life?

Algebra is used in lots of differant ways in everyday life because it's maths.

What is standard form used for in everyday life?

Working with very large or very small numbers, in economics or science, for example.

How is matrices used in everyday life?

Unless your "everyday life" involves work in some area of engineering, you won't use matrices in your everyday life.

What are unit vectors used for in real life?

In real life unit vectors are used for directions, e.g east, north and up(zenith). The unit vector specifies the direction. Gyroscopes maintain a direction and keep things level. Whenever and where ever location is important, unit vectors are a part of real life. Whenever directions are important in your real life, then unit vectors are important. If everything was confined to move along a straight line, then unit vectors would not be important. If you can move in a plane, then unit vectors are important. Moving in space, unit vectors are more important. cars, ships and planes all move in space. Controlling and tracking these all involve unit vectors.

How is the property of compressibility of gases used in everyday life?

an example of how the property of compreesibility of gases is used in everyday life is when using a hand pump to fill a bicycle tire. Rapidily pushing in the plunger of the pump forces the air into a smaller volume. that ur answer. got it.