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Astigmatism old ages

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Q: What are the Eye defects and their correction?
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What is the definition of optometry?

The definition of the word 'optometry' is The professional practice of primary eye and vision care that includes the measurement of visual refractive power and the correction of visual defects with lenses or glasses.

Is 5.25 eye power stronger or weaker then 5.75?

For -5.25, your eye is stronger, and reguires weaker correction. For -5.75, your eye is weaker, and reguires stronger correction. For 0, no correction is required.

How do you prevent postural defects?

Posture defects can be corrected by physio Therapy. In some cases surgery may be needed for necessary adjustment or correction of posture defects.

What is red eye correction?

It's when you take out the red eye in a picture

Is -5.25 eye power stronger or weaker then -5.75?

-5.25 is weaker than -5.75 in terms of eye power. The higher the number (more negative), the stronger the prescription.

What are the two defects of the eye?

The eye is important don't defect it!

Are there any useful effects of refraction?

Yes. Lenses are used for glasses (correction for eye problems), for microscopes, telescopes, and other applications.Yes. Lenses are used for glasses (correction for eye problems), for microscopes, telescopes, and other applications.Yes. Lenses are used for glasses (correction for eye problems), for microscopes, telescopes, and other applications.Yes. Lenses are used for glasses (correction for eye problems), for microscopes, telescopes, and other applications.

How contact lenses correct eye defects?


What is an eye defect?

are conditions where a person cannot see distinctly and comfortably. There are three common eye defects, and they are(i) myopia or near-sightedness, (ii) Hypermetropia or far-sightedness, and (iii) Presbyopia. These defects are corrected by the use of suitable spherical lenses.

What are the two main defects of human eye?

myopia and Hypermetropia

how can you correct your eye defects without the usage of spectacles?

you can correct your eye defects by regularly using "Carrot" in your diet, either in form of juice or adding in Salad. Carrot is helpful for increasing your eye sight and is really good for health as well.

What are the risks of laser eye correction surgery?

A risk and potential complication of laser eye correction surgery is that the flap on the surface of the cornea after surgery might not fit the eyes surface and cause distorted vision. Eye infection is also a small risk.