

Best Answer

100: Hyaku. 200: Nihyaku. 300: Sanbyaku. 400: Yonhyaku. 500: Gohyaku. 600: Roppyaku. 700: Nanahyaku. 800: Happyaku. 900: Kyuuhyaku. 1000: Sen.

10: Jyu. 20: Ni jyu. 30: San jyu. 40: Yon jyu. 50: Go jyu. 60: Roku jyu. 70: Nana jyu. 80: Hachi jyu. 90: Kyuu jyu

110: Hyaku jyu. 220: Nihyaku ni jyu. 330: Sanbyaku san jyu. 440: Yonhyaku yon jyu. 550: Gohyaku go jyu. 660: Rokuhyaku roku jyu. 770: Nanahyaku nana jyu. 880: Happyaku hachijyu. 990: Kyuuhyaku kyu jyu,

Mix and match as you will. (EX: 310 - sanbyaku jyu)

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100 is 百

1,000 is 千

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It is: 1000+1000+100+100+10+10+1 = 2221

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1 = I, 10 = X, 100 = C and 1000 = M

How were numbers 1 10 100 and 1000 written by the Romans?

The numbers are written like this: 1=I, 10=X 100=C 1000=M.

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How many numbers from 100 to 1000?

There are 901, both inclusive.

How many numbers are between 100 and 1000?

Infinitely many.

What are Japanese dollars called?

Japanese currency is called the 'Yen'. It is subdivided into 'sen' (1/100) and 'nn' (1/1000)

How do you change 80 over 1000 into a percent?

You will first have to convert your numbers into a decimal and multiply it by 100%So, 80/1000 = 0.08 x 100% = 8%