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Q: What are the Roman Numerals for 65?
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What is LXV in roman numerals?


How do you write 65 in roman numerals?

It is: 65 = LXV

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What is 65 in Roman numerals?

LXV = 50+10+5

How do i write 65 in roman numerals?

L=50, X=10 and V=5. So LXV=65.

What is the Cube root of LXIV in Arabic numerals?

The Roman numerals for 64 are ILXV (65-1) or LXIIII (64) and they are not LXIV. So your question is: What is the cube root of LXIIII in Arabic numerals? The answer is 4 which is IIII or IV in Roman numerals.

How do you write 4.7 65 in roman numerals?

Presumably you mean 4.7.65 in which case the answer is IV.VII.LXV

What is the Roman numerals for 27?

Twenty sever in Roman numerals is XXVII.Twenty sever in Roman numerals is XXVII.Twenty sever in Roman numerals is XXVII.Twenty sever in Roman numerals is XXVII.Twenty sever in Roman numerals is XXVII.Twenty sever in Roman numerals is XXVII.Twenty sever in Roman numerals is XXVII.Twenty sever in Roman numerals is XXVII.Twenty sever in Roman numerals is XXVII.

What number is LXV in Roman numerals?

The number is 65. L = 50 X = 10 V = 5

How do you I write Roman number 11?

Eleven in Roman numerals is XI.Eleven in Roman numerals is XI.Eleven in Roman numerals is XI.Eleven in Roman numerals is XI.Eleven in Roman numerals is XI.Eleven in Roman numerals is XI.Eleven in Roman numerals is XI.Eleven in Roman numerals is XI.Eleven in Roman numerals is XI.

What inspired the roman numerals?

Roman numerals were inspired by Etruscan numerals of which Roman numerals originated from.

What does xlxv equal in roman numerals?

It can be simplified to LV which is 55 because XLXV means -10+65 = 55