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It really depends on what stroke you need to know about, so here's a few tips for each:

Freestyle: Keep you hands slightly cupped and make sure they're closed so that water can't pass through them--makes you go faster. Rather than big slow kicks, do small quick kicks. Keep your head down towards the bottom of the pool and hold your breath as long as you can, and when you do take a breath, make it quick. Try not to move your hips, but your waist and up. As for the arms, when they come out of the water, you should have your pinky up, and when it comes back into the water, your thumb should be entering first. Keep your strokes long and pull the water behind you, not out.

Backstroke: Okay, breathing shouldn't be a problem here. Keep your hips up so that your legs don't sink. Keep your head looking to the sky and don't look at your feet. Your legs should move the same way as in Freestyle and arms should be straight. Rotate your body each stroke, trying to keep you hips still. Your hands exit the water with thumbs first and enter pinkies first. Push the water to your feet to further propel you, rather than pushing the water to who-knows-where.

Breaststoke: Your arms should be in a streamline position(straight in front of you, one hand on top of the other, upper arms covering ears). From there, pull the water out, bringing your arms no further than your shoulders, breathing as you use the water to help you bring your head up. Then the pull the water down, behind you. After pushing the water, bring your arms to your chest as though you were clapping or praying, and shoot them forward back into a streamline. Start with your legs straight. Bend your knees up, bend outward in a V and bring them around shut, kind of like a circle. As for timing, when your head is up during a breath, your legs should be bent upward. By the time your hands are back in a streamline, your legs should be straight as well.

Butterfly: Start with the dolphin kick. You're not really using your knees, in fact your legs should otherwise remain straight. What's moving is the hips. Move your hips up and down, and like a wave, the rest of your legs will follow. For the arms. first position them straight in front of you, hands curved slightly. Your head should be facing down. Pull the water behind you, all the way down past your hips. As you push it behind you, tilt up your chin and take a quick breath before returning your head down. Try to breathe at intervals, like, every 4-5 strokes. Back to the arms, thrust your arms out of the water, reach far out in front of you, dive them back into the water, and start your next stroke. There are two kicks per stroke: one kick when your hands are exiting the water and one when entering.

Other tips: If you have hair, wear a swim cap. It makes you go faster. When buying a swimsuit, buy it a little tight--it expands in the water. Stretching before and after is encouraged so that injuries and cramps can be prevented. Also, and I know you must've heard this thousands of times before, but don't eat right before swimming. If your stomach doesn't feel good, eat a banana. Wear goggles, especially if you have to do flip turns.

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www.swimmingaustralia is a great swimming website. It has swimming and training tips and gives information about the Australian Swim Team, their achievements and events, plus lots more information. Give it a whirl. For stroke improvement information try you tube for video instruction.

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