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Q: What are the Uses of Beta and gamma functions?
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What is the characteristics of alpha beta and gamma?

charactrestic of alpha

Why is beta and alpha penetration power different?

Beta and alpha are two different things. Beta has negative charges, Alpha has positive. Now the thing is that their ionizing powers also differ. Alpha has extremely HIGH ionizing power whereas Beta has comparatively less (gamma has no ionizing power). Basically alpha ionizes the particles around it very fast and there fore it cannot proceed further into the material, whereas Beta has less ionizing power and can therefore travel farther into the material as the particles around it don't get ionized as fast as alpha. (this is the same reason why gamma has such high penetration power, because it doesn't ionize substances at all). Basically alpha has least penetration power as the ionizing power is most, Beta has medium ionizing and penetration power (compared to alpha and gamma) Gamma has most penetration power as it's ionizing power is least. Hope that answers the question.

What is the approximate size of the smallest angle of a triangle whose sides are 4 5 and 8?

Why approximate? I will show you what you should know being in the trig section. Law of cosines. Degree mode!! a = 4 (angle opposite = alpha) b = 5 ( angle opposite = beta) c = 8 ( angle opposite = gamma ) a^2 = b^2 + c^2 - 2bc cos(alpha) 4^2 = 5^2 + 8^2 - 2(5)(8) cos(alpha) 16 = 89 - 80 cos(alpha) -73 = -80 cos(alpha) 0.9125 = cos(alpha) arcos(0.9125) = alpha alpha = 24.15 degrees ------------------------------ b^2 = a^2 + c^2 - 2bc cos(beta) 5^2 = 4^2 + 8^2 - 2(4)(8) cos(beta) 25 = 80 - 64 cos(beta) -55 = -64 cos(beta) 0.859375 = cos(beta) arcos(0.859375) = beta beta = 30.75 degrees --------------------------------- Now to find gamma, subtract from 180 degrees 180 - 24.15 - 30.75 = 125.1 degrees alpha = 24.15 degrees ( subject to rounding, but all add to 180 degrees ) beta = 30.75 degrees gamma = 125.1 degrees now you see the smallest, the angle opposite the a side, which is 4 ( be in degree mode!!)

What element has atomic mass of 201?

Gold-201 is a beta/gamma emitter with a 26 minute halflife.Mercury-201 is stable and makes up 13.22% of natural Mercury.Thallium-201 is a gamma emitter decaying by K capture with a 72 hour halflife.Lead-201 is a gamma emitter decaying by K capture with a 8.4 hour halflife (or less depending on isomer).Other elements can be produced with an AMU number of 201, but there halflives are really too short to be of practical interest.

What is the beta distribution formula?

The probability density function for a beta distribution with parameters a and b (a, b > 0) is of the form:B(x; a, b) = c*x*(a-1)*(1-x)(b-1) where 0 <= x <= 1. c is a constant such that the integral is 1 and it can be shown that c = G(a+b)/[G(a)*G(b)] where G is the Gamma function.

Related questions

When was Beta Kappa Gamma created?

Beta Kappa Gamma was created on 1999-05-06.

What letter comes after beta?

The letter that comes after beta in the Greek alphabet is gamma.

When was Alpha Beta Gamma created?

Alpha Beta Gamma was created in 1970.

What is the use of special functions like beta and gamma functions in your daily life?

Special functions like beta and gamma functions are used in various fields such as physics, engineering, statistics, and mathematics. They help solve complex mathematical problems, evaluate integrals, and describe properties of functions and distributions. In daily life, these functions are used in areas such as signal processing, image processing, and financial modeling.

Nuclear radiation ranked from the greatest mass to the least mass is a- Xray gamma ray beta particle b- Xray beta particle gamma ray c- Alpha particle beta particle gamma ray d Beta alpha gamma?

The correct order is c) Alpha particle, beta particle, gamma ray. Alpha particles have the greatest mass, followed by beta particles, and then gamma rays which have no mass.

Which device uses Americium?

smoke alarms, thickness gauges, neutron sources, gamma and beta rays sources, etc.

Is there a connection between the speed of alpha beta and gamma radiation which?

beta equal to 2alpha and gamma equal to 3alpha

What is Beta Kappa Gamma's motto?

Beta Kappa Gamma's motto is 'ΟΜΙIA KAI MΘHΣIΣ ΨYXAΣ TPEΦOYI'.

How would you list alpha particles beta particles and gamma rays in order of increasing energy?

Alpha, beta, gamma.

Write a sequence of instructions for sic to set alpha equal to product of beta and gamma?

Lda beta mul gamma sta alpha : alpha resw 1 beta resw 1 gamma resw 1

When was Beta Epsilon Gamma Gamma Alpha Rho Sigma created?

There is no information available about an organization with that name.

Is alpha and beta decay are almost always accompanied by what?

Alpha and beta decay are often accompanied by the emission of gamma radiation. Gamma radiation is a high-energy form of electromagnetic radiation that helps to stabilize the nucleus after alpha or beta decay.