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it is alongquin

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Q: What are the adjacent regions?
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What does hypothaiamicohypophyseais?

Hypothaiamicohypophyseais refers to the pituitary and adjacent regions of the brain.

What regions is adjacent to the European region?

The European region is adjacent to regions such as North Africa, Middle East, and Central Asia. It also shares borders with the Arctic region to the north and the Atlantic Ocean to the west.

Where are the coastal regions?

A city that is close to the coast. Aka the ocean

What regions of Canada were claimed by the French?

Lower Canada adjacent to the St. Lawrence River system.

What is the most likely reason why a region is higher than adjacent regions?

The region is likely higher due to geological processes such as tectonic activity or volcanic activity that have uplifted the land. Erosion could also have caused adjacent regions to become lower over time.

What is the biggest word spelled by the periodic table?

HYPoThAlAmICoHYPoPHYSeAlSwhich means, "Relating to the pituitary and adjacent regions of the brain

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Hiroshi Kanda has written: 'Catalog of moss specimens from antarctica and adjacent regions'

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The right and left lumbar regions are located adjacent to the umbilical region.

Can you provide an example of a graph coloring problem along with its solution?

One example of a graph coloring problem is the map coloring problem, where you have a map of regions that need to be colored in such a way that no two adjacent regions share the same color. For instance, consider a map with four regions: A, B, C, and D. If A and B are adjacent, they cannot be the same color. One possible solution could be to color region A red, region B blue, region C green, and region D yellow. This way, no adjacent regions share the same color, satisfying the graph coloring constraint.

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Harumi Ochi has written: 'A revision of the Bryaceae in Japan and the adjacent regions' 'Nomonhan Jiken'

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Cameron Knox has written: 'The Bryozoa of Puget Sound and adjacent regions' -- subject(s): Bryozoa

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Flanders is one of the regions and communities of the northwestern part of Belgium. It is adjacent to France and The Netherlands.