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A fixed length field is one which contains a set number of characters.

With fixed length fields, the fields may need to be padded out to the right length, eg with characters.

eg If a Surname field is set at 10 characters then the name SIMPSON would need 3 s added on to the end of it.

Advantage - Every record is the same size, so it is possible for the computer to calculate exactly where each record starts in the file and therefore it is quicker for the computer to find a particular record.

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Q: What are the advantage of using fixed length fields instead of variable length fields in a database?
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How many fields does a database have?

Modern databases do not have a preset number of fields. Rather, the data architect determines the needed tables and number of fields per table and declares that to the database software. Fields can--with some restrictions--also be added and removed later as needed. That said, each database application does have a maximum limit on the number of fields per table and the number of tables per database, which information has to come from the database manufacturer. But those limits are usually vastly greater than anyone might want. It is part of a computer and it has many fields.

What do you think is the constant variable?

A parameter can be thought of as a constant variable. It is a variable for which you determine a value, or whose value you change to see its effects on the situation modeled. The term is used in Geometry, Statistics, Physics and Engineering nas well as other fields.

Define fixed length fields?

Fixed length fields are columns in a database table that always use a set amount of space for each row of data in the table. A fixed length field of 50 characters will always consume 50 characters for that field, regardless of how long the actual data in that field requires. Fixed length fields typically use more storage resources than variable length fields, but they are a bit faster for the processor to work with, since the length only needs to be determined once. Fixed length fields are appropriate for data where the length is constant. Some examples of fields that are good candidates for fixed length fields include Social Security Numbers, fixed length postal codes/ZIP Codes and telephone numbers (provided international data is unexpected.) Data that varies in length should be stored in a variable length field, as it will take less physical storage space and will not need to be truncated to remove extra spaces.

What is the length of a sports field?

Its variable for diffrent fields like it varies 80-120m in football and different in other sports

What database fields would be the most suitable to use as primary key?

Generally, the most suitable fields to use as a primary key in a database are those that are unique and have a simple and stable value. Common choices include a unique identifier field, such as an auto-incrementing integer or GUID, or a combination of multiple fields that together uniquely identify each record. It is also important to choose a field or combination of fields that do not change frequently to maintain data integrity.

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Is 'A database uses characteristics such as field size and data type to define each field' false?

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What is a group of fields in a database called?

Any computer based database is composed of certain things in a certain order. The simplest part of a database is the field. Fields can contain pictures or text or sounds or instructions on what to do with other information in other fields. Fields are grouped into Records. Records are the total of all the information on a particular person or item. Records can be combined with other records then to build the database

What is the database that contains tables linked by common fields?

A relational database is a database that contains tables linked by common fields. These common fields are used to establish connections between the tables and to retrieve related data across multiple tables using queries.

What is the key fields in a database?

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What makes up a database?

A database is made up of related information in Tables and fields.

What is a row in a database?

A row in a database represents a single record or entry within a table. It contains a set of related data fields that are organized into columns, with each column representing a different attribute or variable associated with that record. Rows are used to store and retrieve information in a structured manner within a database.

When you create a database you define its that is you assign names and types to all the fields?

When you create a database, you define its structure by assigning names and data types to all the fields. This process involves specifying the tables, fields, and relationships between them to organize and store data efficiently. By defining the database schema, you establish the blueprint for how data will be stored and accessed within the database.

How many fields does a database have?

Modern databases do not have a preset number of fields. Rather, the data architect determines the needed tables and number of fields per table and declares that to the database software. Fields can--with some restrictions--also be added and removed later as needed. That said, each database application does have a maximum limit on the number of fields per table and the number of tables per database, which information has to come from the database manufacturer. But those limits are usually vastly greater than anyone might want. It is part of a computer and it has many fields.

Describe database normalization?

Database Normalization is the process of organizing the fields and tables of a relational database to minimize redundancy and dependency

What software can be used to create the database tables fields and records?

Database management software

What is a tuple in a database?

An arbitrary group of fields within a database record. Usually has some meaning in the context of the record. For example a 3-tuple in an address record might be the fields that contain the first, middle and last names of the person in the address field.

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