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importance of geographic segmentation

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Q: What are the advantages AND disadvantages of geographic segmentation?
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Advantages and disadvantages of market segmentation?

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What are the disadvantages and advantages of geographic filing system?

Advantages: Easy to understand and implement, allows for physical organization by location, can help with visualizing spatial relationships. Disadvantages: Limited flexibility for reorganizing, can be time-consuming to maintain, may not scale well for large amounts of data.

What segmentation variables are typically used by airlines?

The type of segmentation used is Geographic From Nichelle

Examples of Market segmentation?

The types of maket segmentation are, demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral.

What is geographical segmentation?

Geographic segmentation is analyzing and collecting information according to the physical location and other data sources

What are the Advantages and disadvantages of market segmentation?

Advantages of market segmentation include delivering personalized products/services, targeting specific customer groups effectively, and improving customer satisfaction. Disadvantages might involve increased costs due to customization, potential market cannibalization, and difficulties in managing multiple segmented strategies.

What does geographic market segmentation involve?

Geographic segmentation entails dividing the market on the basis of where people live. Divisions may be in terms of neighborhoods, cities, counties, states, regions, or even countries

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Geographic Demographic Psychographic Product Usage Benefits Derived