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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of hierarchical regression analysis?
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What is the advantages and disadvantages of regression analysis?


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It all depends on what data set you're working with. There a quite a number of different regression analysis models that range the gambit of all functions you can think of. Obviously some are more useful than others. Logistic regression is extremely useful for population modelling because population growth follows a logistic curve. The final goal for any regression analysis is to have a mathematical function that most closely fits your data, so advantages and disadvantages depend entirely upon that.

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Advantages are that you will know where everything is and when things will be done. Disadvantages are they are difficult to make.

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What does one have to do before a regression analysis?

Before undertaking regression analysis, one must decide on which variables will be analysed. Regression analysis is predicting a variable from a number of other variables.

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of, pertaining to, or determined by regression analysis: regression curve; regression equation.

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there is no advantage or diadvantages of break even

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of environmental analysis?

The advantages of environmental analysis include the ability for businesses to make changes to their distribution methods, more emphasis on conserving energy, and lowering harmful emissions in the air. The disadvantages of environmental analysis is that it is costly to implement and may not supply immediate findings.

What is the one word substitute for the discussion of advantages and disadvantages?

The word could be analysis or evaluation.