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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of registration method applied to statistics?
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Why is statistics applied in education?

Because statistics is included in the study of mathematics.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using urea?

Advantages of using urea: it is a cost-effective source of nitrogen fertilizer, has high nitrogen content, and is readily available for plants to absorb. Disadvantages of using urea: it can volatilize if not properly applied or incorporated into the soil, may cause nitrogen burn if applied in excess, and can contribute to water pollution through leaching.

How can statistics be applied in payroll?

Statistics are applied to payroll in many different ways. The determination of the unemployment rate is found by applying payroll statistics. Without applying statistics to payroll the unemployment rate would not be found.

What is applied statistics?

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of brinell hardness test?

the formula of B.H.N is give less accurate value when the indentation is more. It has only one scale And applied only to some materials.

Advantages and disadvantages of archival research?

One of the advantages of basic research is the wide view of the subject that it covers. Since it is not applied research, you are able to venture out more into different areas. One of the disadvantages of this type or researchbnb is that you never get to delve too deeply into a specific point.

What is social statistics?

Social statistics is the use of statistics applied to people and their behaviors, habits, and opinions. The most common way to acquire social statistics is through polls and surveys.

How is math used in Recreational Therapy?

I'm not sure how statistics is applied to the job, but I was researching for a math project, and statistics is used.

What is the nature of statistic?

The nature of statistics is such that it gives logical methods of understanding data. Statistics are practically applied in all sectors.

How is statistics applied to information technology?

You can apply statistics when examining efficiency, performance, or making prediction. This certainly has application within IT.

What are the two division of statistic?

Statistics as a science can be divided into two main classes, namely, statistical methods and applied statistics.

What has the author I M Chakravarti written?

I. M. Chakravarti has written: 'Handbook of methods of applied statistics' -- subject(s): Mathematical statistics