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The respondents actually cared enough one way or another to participate.

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Q: What are the advantages of self selected sample?
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What is important for a scientific sample?

self selected

One weakness of self selected sample?

it is non-random and prone to bias unrepresentative of target population

What is a self selected sample?

It is a sample in which the respondent decides whether or not to participate. A typical situation would be when a pile of questionnaires is left for people to fill in - if they like. Only those so inclined will do so.

What is a self-selected sample?

It is a sample in which the respondent decides whether or not to participate. A typical situation would be when a pile of questionnaires is left for people to fill in - if they like. Only those so inclined will do so.

What is a sample that is taken without bias?

A randomly selected sample.

How do you ensure less sample bias?

The sample should be selected randomly.

What is the definition for unbiased sample?

A sample is Unbiased if everyone in the sample have an equal chance of being selected

Fans can log on to the show's website or call a toll-free telephone number and vote for their favorite talent This is an example of what sampling techniques?

Self-selected sample

When you draw a sample from a normal distribution what can you conclude about the sample distribution?

The answer depends on how the sample is selected. If it is a simple random sample, of size n, then it is distributed approximately normally with the same mean as the population mean.The answer depends on how the sample is selected. If it is a simple random sample, of size n, then it is distributed approximately normally with the same mean as the population mean.The answer depends on how the sample is selected. If it is a simple random sample, of size n, then it is distributed approximately normally with the same mean as the population mean.The answer depends on how the sample is selected. If it is a simple random sample, of size n, then it is distributed approximately normally with the same mean as the population mean.

Randomly selected portion of the population?


Does a random largely selected sample always give a better estimate of the population than a randomly selected sample?

A larger random sample will always give a better estimate of a population parameter than a smaller random sample.

What are Advantages and disadvantages in multistage sampling?

Advantages are: 1. Fewer investigators are needed 2. It is not so costly to obtain a sample Disadvantages are: 1. There is the possibility of bias if, for example, only if a small number of regions are selected 2.The method is not truly random as once the final sampling areas have been selected the rest of the population cannot be in the sample. If the population is heterogeneous, the areas chosen should reflect the full range of the diversity. Otherwise, choosing some areas and excluding others (even if it is done randomly) will result in a biased sample.