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Q: What are the advantages of vertical communicatiom?
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Disadvantage of forward vertical?

advantages: more control, cost control and competitive advantages

What are the advantages of vertical blinds versus horizontal blinds?

Vertical blinds supposedly block out more of the sunlight.

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You get healthy, increases strength and vertical jump

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An advantage of backwards vertical integration would be that the profit of the supplier is absorbed by the expanded business.

What are the advantages of Vertical Marketing Systems?

The disadvantages are very similar to the advantages. The ownership of a vertical market has to keep a lot of balls in the air at the same time. You're keeping track of what's happening in several comapnies at the same time.

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Advantages..1).no need of decodingDisadvantages1).high costIn Vertical micro programming...Advantages..1).need less memorydisadvantages1).need a special decoder

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Fixed gear vertical dropouts in a bicycle offer advantages such as easier wheel alignment, increased strength and stability, and better compatibility with fixed gear or single-speed setups.

What are the advantages of a vertical dropout fixie bike compared to other types of bikes?

A vertical dropout fixie bike offers advantages such as simplicity, low maintenance, and a direct connection between the rider and the road. These bikes are lightweight, efficient, and provide a unique riding experience with a fixed gear and no freewheel.

What are the advantages of vertical hierarchy and vertical communication?

The greater the vertical hierarchy the poorer the channels of commuication due the time process involved. Yet compared to flater hierarchys the structure is highly defined and therefore makes some processes more effective. eg. discipline and grievances

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in report the first paragraph about identification of problem and in second paragraph tell me about the findings of problems and in last tell me about the recommendation of problem

What are the advantages of using vertical stacked tile in a bathroom renovation project?

Vertical stacked tile in a bathroom renovation project offers several advantages. It can create a modern and visually appealing look, making the space appear taller and more spacious. Additionally, vertical tiles can help draw the eye upward, emphasizing the height of the room. This layout can also provide a unique and stylish design element that sets the bathroom apart from traditional horizontal tile installations.