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must provide pain relief with epidural or spinal blocks for the mother while managing the life functions of both the mother and the baby.

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Q: What are the anesthesiologist's responsibilities during childbirth?
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What responsibilities do anesthesiologists have?

providing the medical evaluation of the patient before surgery (preoperative), holding consultations with the surgical team , providing pain control and support of life functions during surgery (intraoperative), supervising care after surgery

Does the Hymen increase in size after childbirth?

The hymen doesn't increase in size after childbirth. During vaginal childbirth the hymen is often torn.

What has to dilate during childbirth?

Your Cervix

Which takes place during the childbirth stage of the family life cycle?

During the childbirth stage of the family life cycle, the family expands as a new member is born into the family. This stage involves adjusting to the new role of parents, creating a strong bond with the newborn, and managing the challenges and responsibilities of caring for an infant. Financial planning and emotional support are also key components during this stage.

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I don't know

Where do contractions occur during childbirth?


What are the complications a woman faces if her reproductive organs are ripped during childbirth?

During Childbirth a womans reproductive organs are made to be ripped, stretched, expand and a variety of different tramas. this is why it can take up to six weeks to recover from childbirth.

How is pain during childbirth treated by doctors?

Modern pain relief for childbirth generally involves the use of medication.

What contracts during childbirth?

The uterine walls

Can you have your period during childbirth?

No it will not return about 2 months after.

What is maternal mortality?

When a mother dies during childbirth.

What were Artemis' powers and responsibilities?

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