72 degrees each. There are 5 angles. You divide 360 degrees by 5 and get 72 degrees.
A pentagon has an obtuse angle
the angle sum of a pentagon is 540.
An angle in a pentagon can have any value between 0 and 360 degrees.
The measure of one angle of a regular pentagon is 108 degrees.
obtuse angle
A pentagon has an obtuse angle
the angle sum of a pentagon is 540.
a pentagon.
An angle in a pentagon can have any value between 0 and 360 degrees.
The measure of one angle of a regular pentagon is 108 degrees.
obtuse angle
Usually, the measure of an exterior angle of a pentagon is greater.
a pentagon's inside angle is 540 degrees
An irregular pentagon.
Concave pentagon.
Concave pentagon, an irregular pentagon.
Exterior angle of a square is 90 degrees Exterior angle of a regular pentagon is 72 degrees