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Q: What are the animals with many feet?
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Related questions

What doesn't have feet?

In terms of animals, there are many that do not have feet; most of these are sea dwellers that use flippers or tentacles to move. There are also land animals that do not have feet, such as snakes and snails.

How many feet do rabbits have?

Like most other animals, rabbits/bunnies have 4 feet (paws).

How many feet does a pheasant have?

Pheasants have two feet like most other animals in the Aves class.

How many square feet in a 2 car garage?

It depends on how many square people or animals there are.

A fury animal with hands feet and a tail?

there are many animals with hands , tail and feet like tigers or it can be a dog or cat

What animal has feet on his head?

There are no animals or insects that walk with their feet on their head. There are many insects that have horns on their heads but not feet.

How many square feet are in the Petsmart Grreat Choice Pet Home for Small Animals?

The Petsmart Grreat Choice Pet Home for Small Animals typically measures around 24 inches by 12 inches, which is equivalent to 2 square feet. It is important to note that this is an approximate measurement and may vary slightly depending on the specific model.

What are pelops and who are they?

pelops are from Greece and are short animals with fewathered feet pelops are from Greece and are short animals with fewathered feet

Can animals eat feet?

Animals can eat feet, but it is not a natural or healthy diet for most animals. Feeding animal feet to pets or captive animals can be risky due to the potential for contamination and lack of nutritional value. It's important to provide animals with a balanced and species-appropriate diet.

What do animals do when they are born?

When animals are born, they typically start breathing on their own, search for their mother's milk for nourishment, and learn to walk or move around. In many cases, they rely on their instincts and senses to survive in their new environment.

What is having to feet like humans?

Animals with two feet are "bipeds"

How do blue birds feet help themselves?

how does an animals feet sivies