1100- mc
1200- mcc
1300- mccc
1400- mcd
1500- md
1600- mdc
1700- mdcc
1800- mdccc
1900- mcm
1900 is written in Roman numerals as MCM.
The Roman numerals of MDCCCC are equivalent to 1900 in Hindu-Arabic numerals.
MCM is 1900
1900 775
1900 is written in Roman numerals as MCM.
The Roman numerals of MDCCCC are equivalent to 1900 in Hindu-Arabic numerals.
MCM is 1900
1900 775
1900- MCM This is the reason 1900 is MCM in Roman numerals; M represents 1000 and CM represents 900.
It is: cmm or CMM = 1900
MDCCC = 1800
The Roman numeral CMM is equivalent to -100+2000 = 1900
The years 1900 to 1912 inclusive, written in Roman numerals are...1900 = MCM1901 = MCMI1902 = MCMII1903 = MCMIII1904 = MCMIV1905 = MCMV1906 = MCMVI1907 = MCMVII1908 = MCMVIII1909 = MCMIX1910 = MCMX1911 = MCMXI1912 = MCMXII