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Q: What are the answers to drop in the bucket math level d number?
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If a number is decreased by 5 and the result is is twice the original number-What is the number?

I had to call my son the computer whiz in LA to help me out on this one. They owed him some time in the massively parallel processor complex where he works, so he logged in and ran this one for me last night. Here's what he came up with:If I drop one of something blindly into a bucket and then I look in the bucket and there are two of them in there, I can logically conclude that the thing that was in there before must have been exactly like the thing I dropped in, and that there used to be one of them where now there are two of them. So the original number was also -5, just like the amount you added.

What best discribes diffusion?

Diffusion is the process of spreading something more widely. It can be the diffusion of Homo Sapiens from the plains of Africa, the diffusion of a drop of ink in a bucket of water, diffusion of the use of smart phones.

How many tons are there in 1 container?

you need to drop your container (#1) into another larger container (#2) floating in a container of water (#3). Mark the water level in container #3 remove container #1 from #2. Fill container #3 back to the marked level measuring the number of litres used. Divide the number of litres used by a 1000 and you have the weight in metric tonnes

What is the median American income?

The median American income level is measured by the government and other organisations annually. The median American income level in 2011 is stated to be $50,502. This was a slight drop from the 2010 level of $51,144.

How do you change decimals into a whole number?

1.0=1 that is it drop the . point and 0

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Will colder night temperatures and warm days cause significant evaporation over a week or would you consider that a leak issue?

Evaporation rates vary with weather conditions. The BEST way to simply determine whether the pool has a leak is called the 'bucket test'. 1) Partially fill a bucket with the pool water and mark or measure the water level in the bucket. 2) mark or measure the water level in the pool(does not have to be the same level as water in bucket) 3)Place the bucket on the top step of the pool and leave for 24 hours (or for as long as you like, but sufficiently long to see a change in water level due to evaporation). The fall in the two water levels, pool and bucket, should be exactly the same (eg: 0.5" drop in pool waterlevel and 0.5" drop in bucket water level). If the water level in the pool has fallen further than has the water level in the bucket, the pool has a leak.

What are the release dates for A Drop in the Bucket - 1925?

A Drop in the Bucket - 1925 was released on: USA: 30 December 1925

Where did the phrase a drop in the bucket come from?

A drop in the bucket comes from the bible reading (Isaih 40:15) where it says "behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing."

Is drop in the bucket an idiom?


Where do you put the bucket in the saddle show mystery?

u put the bucket down by pressing i then click on the bucket then click drop

If 700 billion is a drop in the bucket what's the real number?

The loss because of this crisis runs into Trillions of US Dollars...

What are the release dates for A Drop in the Bucket - 2007?

A Drop in the Bucket - 2007 was released on: USA: 29 April 2007 (Newport Beach Film Festival)

As an analogy what does dropping the bucket mean?

The phrase is actually "A drop in the bucket". It means something so insignificant that it is not noticeable. For example, "Adding another billion dollars to the defence budget is just a drop in the bucket"

Can you use 'A Drop in the Bucket' in a sentence?

I think "A drop in the bucket" means an effort or action having very little overall influence, expecially as compared to a huge problem. A $100 donation from an individual is generous, but it is a drop in the bucket compared to the $100,000 fundraising goal.

Is it true that if you put your finger in a bucket of ice your finger can drop of?


What does a drop in the bucket mean?

a little thing in a big picture

Why does water level constanly drop after closing pool for season when liner was just replaced thinking it had a leak and the same thing is happening?

It sounds like evaporation ANSW:: It could be evaporation. Perform a "bucket test" Place a bucket in the pool add water to it marking the level of the water on both the inside and outside the bucket ~ which would be the pool water level. In about 12 hrs. recheck both levels. If they remain the same = no leak. If pool level drops more than the bucket level = leak. Note: The reason for placing the bucket in the pool rather than on the deck next to the pool is because the bucket water assumes the same temp as the pool so they react in the same or like manner. If the bucket were placed on the deck next to the pool then the water in the bucket would evaporate much faster on the hot deck. You may also want to trace your plumbing to and from the pool and equipment pad. Look for traces of water, grass that is greener than surrounding area etc. k