

Best Answer

If your booster rocket is losing 100 kilograms of mass every second because

it's burning the fuel from its tanks, and the weight of the rocket's mass is

dereasing steadily because the force of gravity decreases steadily as you get

farther away from the center of the Earth, and you need to figure out how

much fuel you need, and which direction to aim the rocket, in order to have

exactly the right speed in the right direction when it reaches exactly the right

altitude to put a satellite into geostationary orbit so that everybody can aim

their little dishes at it and pick up 500 TV channels, THAT's where you need

Calculus. And I won't even go into how and why Calculus is used when people

want to fling a machine off the surface of the Earth and get it to the right

place to land on Mars 6 months later, or fly by Pluto 9 years later !

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What branch of mathematics is used for space flight?

Using various forms of Calculus we can work with applications developed by Kepler, Galileo, Copernicus, etc. Calculus depends on algebra and algebra depends on arithmetic.

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What do you learn in calculus?

In Calculus, you learn Limits, Derivatives, Anti-Derivatives and all their applications!

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Rosario Urso has written: 'Calculus with applications' -- subject(s): Calculus

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At the bachelor's level, it typically requires math analysis, brief calculus with applications, and business statistical analysis.At the bachelor's level, it typically requires math analysis, brief calculus with applications, and business statistical analysis.At the bachelor's level, it typically requires math analysis, brief calculus with applications, and business statistical analysis.At the bachelor's level, it typically requires math analysis, brief calculus with applications, and business statistical analysis.At the bachelor's level, it typically requires math analysis, brief calculus with applications, and business statistical analysis.At the bachelor's level, it typically requires math analysis, brief calculus with applications, and business statistical analysis.

What has the author A J McConnell written?

A. J. McConnell has written: 'Applications of the absolute differential calculus' -- subject(s): Calculus of tensors

What has the author Richard J Maher written?

Richard J. Maher has written: 'Innovative Approaches to Undergraduate Mathematics Courses Beyond Calculus' 'Beginning calculus with applications' -- subject(s): Calculus

Mathematical field calculus?

Calculus is mainly about limits, which in turn are used to calculate the slope of a line (known as the "derivative"; lots of applications for that), and to calculate the area under a curve (the "integral" - also lots of applications for that). For more details, read the Wikipedia article on "Calculus", or read an introductory book on calculus. As prerequisites, you should be well-acquainted with high-school algebra.

What is the reason to have multivariate calculus?

Multivariate calculus is an advanced form of calculus that uses multiple variables. There are several applications, of which one example might be its usage in computer science. In computer science, for example, multivariate calculus is used to determine the scaling of graphics.

20 applications of vector analysis to solve real life problems?

Pretty much everything can be applied to calculus, and calculus to everything. If you have ever read the novel "Halo" you can see (in the first book) that Master Chief, had forgotten how much gravity was on the space-craft, and used calculus to determine the acceleration of gravity by timing the drop of a bolt and figuring out everything else. Calculus is especially important for any kind of profession that involves projectiles.