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Q: What are the applications of detour distance in graph theory?
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Narsingh Deo has written: 'Graph theory with applications to engineering and computer science' -- subject(s): Graph theory

What is the clique problem and how does it relate to graph theory?

The clique problem is a computational problem in graph theory where the goal is to find a subset of vertices in a graph where every pair of vertices is connected by an edge. This subset is called a clique. In graph theory, cliques are important because they help us understand the structure and connectivity of a graph. The clique problem is a fundamental problem in graph theory and has applications in various fields such as computer science, social networks, and biology.

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Optical illusions may fall under the applications of Geometry, Topology and Graph Theory.

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What is the significance of the Hamiltonian path problem in graph theory and its applications in various fields?

The Hamiltonian path problem in graph theory is significant because it involves finding a path that visits each vertex exactly once in a graph. This problem has applications in various fields such as computer science, logistics, and network design. It helps in optimizing routes, planning circuits, and analyzing connectivity in networks.

What is relaxation in graph theory?

Simply, updating the existing distance with later received minimal value when a shortest path problem is solved in a graph. K.M.Anura Wijayasingha.

What is the significance of the cut property in the field of graph theory?

The cut property in graph theory is significant because it helps identify the minimum number of edges that need to be removed in order to disconnect a graph. This property is essential for understanding network connectivity and designing efficient algorithms for various applications, such as transportation systems and communication networks.

When was Journal of Graph Theory created?

Journal of Graph Theory was created in 1977.

What is the significance of planar nodes in the study of graph theory?

Planar nodes are important in graph theory because they help determine if a graph can be drawn on a plane without any edges crossing. This property, known as planarity, has many applications in various fields such as computer science, network design, and circuit layout. It allows for easier visualization and analysis of complex relationships between nodes in a graph.

What is the significance of the minimum cut in graph theory and how is it calculated?

In graph theory, a minimum cut is a set of edges that, when removed from the graph, disconnects the graph into two separate parts. This concept is important in various applications, such as network flow optimization and clustering algorithms. The minimum cut is calculated using algorithms like Ford-Fulkerson or Karger's algorithm, which aim to find the smallest set of edges that separates the graph into two distinct components.

Distance time graph?

distance time graph is a graph traveled in a graph which shows how much we have traveled in equal period of time.

What is the significance of the min cut algorithm in graph theory and how does it help in finding the minimum cut in a given graph?

The min cut algorithm in graph theory is important because it helps identify the minimum cut in a graph, which is the smallest set of edges that, when removed, disconnects the graph into two separate components. This is useful in various applications such as network flow optimization and clustering algorithms. The algorithm works by iteratively finding the cut with the smallest weight until the graph is divided into two separate components.