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Q: What are the approximate dates of the reniassance?
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What was the start of the Reniassance?

the start of the reniassance is the devil

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King labradoodle

What does reniassance mean?

it stands for rebirth or reborn

Where did the rencissance begin?

The Reniassance began in Italy and then moved north

Other than rebirth what does reniassance mean?

Reniassance is refering to the shift in ideas in art, literature, religion, and really any other social aspect in Europe during the 14-16 century.

Where there kings during the Reniassance?

Yes, all of Europe still had monarchies.

What are the approximate dates of the Renaissnace?

1300 to 1600

How has the reniassance influenced modern society?

It led to changes in art, politics, science and exploration.

Is the movie tangled a reniassance movie?

renaissance movie are not like that this is also good but in other seance

When did the renaissance time start?

Around 1300 A.D. There are many disagreements on when exacly the Reniassance started.

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Did the Tudors use feudalism?

Partially yes and no. The Tudor family was a long line, and only in the 1500's did the Reniassance start, where before the reniassance feaudalism was starting to break apart in the 1400's (Due to the Black Plague). In Queen Elizabeth I's time, there was little or no feudalism.