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There is no plan so you can start with dat.

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Q: What are the arguments for the proportional plan?
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Related questions

Did the Virginia Plan provide proportional representation?

Yes the Virginia plan was Proportional. The new Jersey plan was not

What is the proportional plan?

The proportional plan is where electors are awarded to presidential candidates in direct proportion to the # of votes they got.

What is the district plan the proportional plan the direct plan popular election plan and the national plan for reforming the electoral college?

The district plan is a plan in which people in authority choose elected officials. A proportional plan is where votes are given in direct relation to the number of people who voted.

What are the arguments for the national bonus plan?


What were the major arguments for and against proportional representation of states in the national government?

sepa la chingada

What did the plan call for?

It called for the states to have proportional representation.

How do you plan to support your thesis with compelling arguments and counterarguments?


What did the Virginia Plan called for?

It called for the states to have proportional representation.

What are the major arguments against planning?

There are no real, good arguments against planning. Having a plan is important in many cases.

What is a proportional plan electoral college?

There is not a actual answer for this question you have to think about it and do 1

What would using either the district plan or the proportional plan to reform the electoral college?

Using either the district plan or the proportional plan to reform the electoral College would NOT ensure that the winner of the popular vote become president.

What are some flaws of the Proportional Plan?

The Proportional Plan of electoral votes prevents a single candidate from receiving a states victory. The votes are distributed according to the percentage. This flaw is eliminated with a winner take all states.