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i think it is 5000000by 6908340987ft

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Q: What are the average dimensions of a public restroom?
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Related questions

What is the typical size of a public restroom?

There is no set size for a public restroom. The size depends on the architecture of the building and its occupancy.

Name for a women's public toilet?

"Women's restroom" or "ladies' restroom" are common names for a women's public toilet.

Do Public restroom doors swing in or out?


What are the release dates for Public Restroom - 2009?

Public Restroom - 2009 was released on: USA: 10 June 2009 (DVD premiere)

Can they arrest you for videotaping in a public restroom?


How many times does an average person use the restroom a day?

The average person uses the bathroom/ restroom about 3 times a day.

Does a retail store in PA need to have public restroom?

No they are not.

Does a business have to let the public us the restroom?

If it isn't an employee restroom and they do if they use the business' service.I don't understand this answer .... Yes? Or No?

What are the release dates for Essentials - 2013 Surviving the Public Restroom 1-1?

Essentials - 2013 Surviving the Public Restroom 1-1 was released on: USA: 19 April 2013

How do you define a restroom?

A restroom is a room in a workplace or public building with multiple toilets and wash basins for public use.

Where are you likely to be if you are looking at a mirror in public?

salon, restroom, dressing room

When using the restroom sperm comes out instead of urine what does that mean?

It would appear that you are masturbating in the restroom. This is not particularly dangerous although it might be embarrassing if it is a public restroom. I would recommend doing that at home in your bedroom instead.