The basic thing is that symbols that represent numbers can be manipulated in the same way as ordinary numbers.
In reality you need to know your basics before you can actually start on algebra and yes algebra can help you in basic math when in comes to solving certain word problems
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, basic algebra, geometry, trigonometry.
In many ways such as how much fuel do I need to carry to fly 300 miles. One of the most important things for a pilot to know is how much weight he has on the airplane and, since fuel is figured in weight instead of gallons on a airplane, he probably better know basic algebra and general mathmatics.
you need to know the pythag theorem , order of operstions combining like terms
Basic math concepts which you learn in algebra are the foundation for chemistry related problems. Order of operations, exponents, and graphing skills are all things which are absolutely necessary in more advanced science classes.
In reality you need to know your basics before you can actually start on algebra and yes algebra can help you in basic math when in comes to solving certain word problems
MUST KNOW addition. subtraction. multiplication. division. basic algebra. basic geometry and of course fractions
No however they need basic college algebra.
Where it is and how to read
I do not know...depends on what your working with. There are some things in this world that are well worth knowing. However algebra is not one of them lol
Standard works on simple math problems if you are doing algebra or above get a scentific and it will work on basic problems too.
as a child division algebra fractions and multiplication should work from 3- 6 then u have to learn more advanced algebra ++++ Algebra? At that young age? I am surprised it's taught then. I'd have said a more useful range for the 6yo is basic arithmetic and simple money "sums", basic fractions and dates/times.
because when they are doing surgery they need to know their algebra, because their is this thing called doctoralgerbrasurgen and when they know that they can be a doctor that knows algerbra.
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, basic algebra, geometry, trigonometry.
It's best if you know all maths from high school. However it would be good fro an accountant to know a lot of chemistry, physics, biology etc.. Also a lot of social studies.
In many ways such as how much fuel do I need to carry to fly 300 miles. One of the most important things for a pilot to know is how much weight he has on the airplane and, since fuel is figured in weight instead of gallons on a airplane, he probably better know basic algebra and general mathmatics.
I don't really think there is a difference, but maybe the difference is that in pre-algebra you learn and practice the basic foudations, like the different steps to solve an equation, and what is a equation, and stuff like that. Begining algebra is where you practice actually solving the easier types of algebra equations.