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Q: What are the behaviors or thoughts that are repeated frequently that require less and less processing capacity because of?
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What is another word for frequently repeated?

constantly used

What is tenacity in ropes?

The capacity to withstand repeated stress

What are behaviors that occur in repeated patterns called?

These are tendencies and habits, or how something continuously reacts.

How can avoid rewarding the wrong behaviors?

Clearly define desired behaviors and provide rewards only when those behaviors are demonstrated. Offer feedback and coaching to redirect individuals who engage in the wrong behaviors. Consider implementing consequences for repeated instances of wrong behaviors to discourage them.

The law of effect states if an action is followed by a pleasurable consequences?

The law of effect states that behaviors followed by pleasurable consequences are more likely to be repeated, while behaviors followed by unpleasant consequences are less likely to be repeated. This principle was proposed by psychologist Edward Thorndike and has been influential in understanding the learning and reinforcement of behaviors.

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Whose name is associated with the Law of Effect which states that behaviors that lead to satisfying consequence are repeated?


Who is name is associated with the law of effect which states that behaviors that lead to a satisfying consequence are repeated?


Operant conditioning operates on the principle that behaviors occur more often when they are?

reinforced with rewards or consequences. This means that behaviors that are rewarded or reinforced are more likely to be repeated in the future.

What is the most repeatable alphabet in English Language?

E is the most frequently repeated letter in the English alphabet.

Thorndlikes law of effect is most closely associated with the operant conditioning principal?

Thorndike's Law of Effect states that behaviors followed by positive consequences are more likely to be repeated, while behaviors followed by negative consequences are less likely to be repeated. This concept is central to operant conditioning, as it emphasizes the importance of reinforcement in shaping behavior.

What is The theory of rewards and punishment?

The theory of rewards and punishment is a psychological concept that suggests that behaviors can be reinforced or weakened through consequences. Rewarding desired behaviors increases the likelihood of them being repeated, while punishing undesired behaviors decreases their occurrence. This theory is often used in behavior modification and shaping individuals' actions.