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business can improve production efficiency and cut cost. ;D

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Q: What are the benefits of metrication?
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Related questions

When did Metrication Board end?

Metrication Board ended in 1980.

When was Metrication Board created?

Metrication Board was created in 1969.

How do you spell metricdan?

easy buddy METRICation

Who uses metrication?

Everyone except USA

Write the name of the scientific studyof measurement?


What is the legal basis of the full metrication of the Philippines?

Presidential Decree No. 748 from July 16, 1975 set the legal basis for full metrication of the Philippines. The process of metrication in the Philippines began in 1907.

What country has metric 10 times better as its metrication slogan?


Caribbean country has Metric 10 Times Better as its metrication slogan?


Metrication advantage or disadvantage?

Advantage: Metrication promotes global standardization and simplifies international trade and communication by using a single, consistent system of measurement across different countries and industries. Disadvantage: The cost and effort associated with transitioning to the metric system can be high, as it involves re-educating the population, re-labeling products and equipment, and updating manufacturing processes to comply with the new standards.

Write the name of scientific study of measurement?

Metrication is the most widely used term.

How do marry a Lithuania when from England?

Visit a civil metrication bureau in Lithuania with your to be husband/wife

Where can you find a picture of a metricate?

Link forbids access through link...sorry. Try wikikpedia Metrication