Palindromic numerical sequences are series of numbers that read the same when read either forward or backward, such as: 6 121 474 12321 22522 459878954
known as 'statistics'what is a collection or set of numerical information?
The numerical factor is known as the coefficient of a term.
The answer is Statistics
A data table is the best way to show a lot of numerical data in a very small place.
Palindromic numerical sequences are series of numbers that read the same when read either forward or backward, such as: 6 121 474 12321 22522 459878954
A numerical sequence is a set of ordered numbers. That is all! For example, stochastic sequences are random.
I'd go with numerophile, but I've seen it as numberphile.
The word is correctly spelled "skewed" meaning distorted or out of line, as with numerical values or sequences. The similar word is askew.
known as 'statistics'what is a collection or set of numerical information?
The numerical factor is known as the coefficient of a term.
The best graph for numerical information will depend on what you want to present. The linear graph, bar and the pie graph are some of the best graphs to present numerical data.
That is known as 'statistics'
Nathan Lyons is known for creating photographic sequences and was one of the founders of Aperture magazine.
A numerical fact
to look for new genes, scientists scan DNA sequences for known promoter sequences and RNA polymerase binding sites
This process is known as biostratigraphy / biostratigraphic correlation.