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Simple algebra is all that is required.

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Q: What are the best math books to provide a basis for understanding the theory of relativity?
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What were Albert Einstein's achievements?

Albert Einsteins achievements where the theory of relativity or E=mc2, Brownian motion and more. He would calculate the movement of molecules in a liquid. The theory of relativity laid the basis for the release of atomic energy. Einstein's equation became the foundation stone in the development of atomic energy. E=mc2 is more famous then useful (in general relativity), and he also developed the theory of Special Relativity, which combines the theory of General Relativity and Newtonian mechanics together. Although Einstein is famous for spacetime, one of his mentors was the creator. He co-invented a type of refrigerator with no moving parts; patent number 1781541. An electromagnetic pump; patent number GB303065, a self adjusting camera; patent number US2058562, and a sound replication device; patent number DE590783. Along with dozens of other patents worldwide.

Is it possible for someone to be good at engineering while they are bad at math?

Nope, understanding math is the basis of understanding engineering

What is the median voter model?

Theory that if voters select candidates on the basis of idealogy and everyone participates equally, then in a two-party race, the party closer to the middle will win.

What is the difference between reliability and accuracy in a Biology practical experiment?

in the analysis of company report it is assumed that the information is accurate and reliable and provide a suitable basis for comparison

Why is albert Einstein's math important?

Einsteins math was deplorable he barely staggered through it with help from many of his peers. His derived equations are the foundation of our current knowledge of the universe and the basis for modern computing theory.

Related questions

What was Albert Einstein's contribution to the world?

Einstein is responsible for contributing numerous theories and understanding to the field of physics. Einstein published his Special Theory of Relativity, The General Theory of Relativity, and worked with Neil's Bohr to develop the basis for quantum mechanics.

A theory that stands the test of time and becomes the basis for a field of study is called what?

A theory that becomes the basis for a field of study and withstands scrutiny over time is often referred to as a "paradigm" or a "foundational theory." Examples include Darwin's theory of evolution in biology and Einstein's theory of relativity in physics.

Did albert Einstein invent anything that means something to the world?

Besides discovering the photoelectric effect, Einstein developed the Theory of Special Relativity and the Theory of General Relativity, which are the basis for quantum theory and particle theory, and the formula E=Mc2 that indirectly led to the atomic bomb, nuclear power, and much of the current theory about the structure of the universe. Other than that, not much.

How has Albert Einstein contributed to modern astronomy?

Mainly with his "Theories of Relativity". His "Special Theory" includes E=mc2 . That is the basis of nuclear fusion energy in stars. His "General Theory" gives the best theory of gravity we have at present.

What are einsteins postulates of relativity?

Einstein's postulates of relativity are: the laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames of reference, and the speed of light in a vacuum is constant for all observers, regardless of the motion of the light source or the observer. These postulates form the basis for the theory of special relativity.

What theory of matter provides the basis for your understanding of fluids?

The kinetic molecular theory provides the basis for understanding fluids. According to this theory, fluids are composed of particles (atoms or molecules) that are in constant random motion, with different kinetic energies. This motion helps explain the fluid properties of liquids and gases, such as their ability to flow and take the shape of their container.

What is the general theory relativity?

The general theory of relativity was published by Albert Einstein in 1916. It describes gravitation as a geometric property of space and time. It implies the existance of black holes as the death state of massive stars. It predicts the existence of gravitational waves and is the basis of current models of a consistently expanding universe.

What theory provides the basis for our understanding of all matter?

The theory that provides the basis for our understanding of all matter is the Standard Model of particle physics. It describes the fundamental particles that make up matter (such as quarks and leptons) and the forces that govern their interactions (such as electromagnetism and the strong and weak nuclear forces).

Why was the theory of realativity an important theory?

It is important for many reasons, but one of the main reasons is that it changed the fundamental way that we understood two very basic ideas: time and distance. These lie and the basis of all of our understanding of modern science. Before relativity we viewed them as absolute, unchanging, the same for everybody. With relativity we now understand that that these quantities are relative, percieved differently by different people depending upon how they move. By changing how we understand these two concepts that form the foundation of all our understandings of physics, relativity has an effect, on some level, on every aspect of physics, not just some portion of it.

What is the importance of accounting theory?

Accounting theory is very important in helping people to understand the basis and policies in accounting. From understanding the rules of GAAP to exploring the origins of accounting, being a good accountant involves understanding the theories that support the practice.

What famous scientist was awarded the 1921 Noble prize in physics for his work on theoretical physics?

Albert Einstein was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery of the photoelectric effect, which formed the basis of quantum theory and for his work on the theory of relativity.

Why was Albert Einstein famous?

Albert Einstein was famous for developing the theory of relativity, which revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and gravity. His equation E=mc², which describes the relationship between mass and energy, is one of the most famous equations in physics. Einstein's work laid the foundation for many scientific advancements and earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.