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There are 2,598,960 possible five-card hands. There are 4 combinations of royal flushes in 5 cards. Therefore, the odds are 649,739:1.

There are 20,358,520 possible six-card hands. There are 188 combos of royal flushes in 6 cards. Therefore, the odds are 108,290:1.

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Q: What are the chances of a royal flush on the flop and the turn in Texas hold 'em?
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What are the odd of getting pocket aces and then the other two aces on the flop in Texas hold-em?

.16837% . Just think of it as 1/10th of one %.

What are some reasons to use simple interest?

several types of clocked flip-flop

What is it called when you have in poker when you have a 5 of spades 6 of spades and 7 of spades in one hand?

In a game of poker, holding a 567 spade would often be refered to a runner runner straight ( both open and gut shot) or runner runner flush draw sometimes refered to as a backdoor flush. Presumably you are basing this on Two hole cards and the 3 cards that compose a flop, for instance if the turn card fails to bring 34 89 or or any spade 12+9 (21) then you have no chance at completing your hand on the river. 21/47 means that 42% of the time you will have a chance of hitting your straight or flush. If we assume you hit a favourably card i.e 8 spades you now have an open ended flush draw, and 4 9 or spade gives you a good hand (6+9=15), this means that just under 1/3rd of the time given favourable conditions on the turn you will make you hand. However a word of warning if we carry out an All in situation the % of both hitting your out on the turn and river are dramatically reduced. i.e assuming only a flush draw 9/47 =18%/ 3x 2 = 12% Overall odds of completing your flush , this would infer a pot odd of 1-8.5 would be required to make calling sensible, this would assume that 8 random hand pairing have gone all in before you and you none of them are draw to a higher flush ect, This is not a hand you wish to be betting most of the time.

What is a compound word that includes flip?

Flip-flop is a compound word that includes "flip".

What are 2 sevenths of 21?

the easiest way to find out is copy dot flop 2/7 * 1/21 then you multiply across to get 2/147

Related questions

In poker what are the odds of getting a royal flush on the initial deal?

In poker the royal flush is the best possible hand, and is thus very rare. If one is playing Texas Hold 'Em, in which one is dealt 2 cards, the chances of getting a royal flush when the first 3 community cards ("the flop") are dealt is about 1 in 650,000.

What if high card for flush is in the flop?

Next highest flush card wins

Why is poker hand 2 6 the worst hand in Texas poker?

no it not , 2 7 off suite is because you have no chance of a straight of flush and small pairs hardly win after the flop.

What are the release dates for Texas Car Wars - 2012 Flip or Flop 1-2?

Texas Car Wars - 2012 Flip or Flop 1-2 was released on: USA: 13 September 2012

What is the definition of flop?

The word flop has a few meanings: -To fail miserably -To fall -The first three cards dealt on the board in Texas Hold'em Poker

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Flip, flap, flop, flitter, flimmer, flicker, flutter, flash, flush or flare.

To fall or drop heavily?


Is it easier to get a straight or a flush?

Because it is easier to get a straight than a flush. Example: If you've got for instance 8-9 in your hand, then you've got multiple ways of getting a straight. You've got 56789, 6789T, 789TJ, 89TJQ. This means you've got four 5's, 6's, 7's, T's, J's and Q's in the deck that can be drawn. That makes 24 cards that will help you. A flush however consists of 5 cards of the same suit, of every suit there are only 14 cards in a deck. Considdering you are holding 2 cards of the same suit, there are only 12 cards remaining that can help you. Of course preflop you've got a better chance of getting a straight then a flush. On the flop things can - of course change -. The odds of hitting your straight on the Turn or River all depends on which cards are drawn on the flop and/or turn. Fun fact: You can not make a straight without a 5 or a Ten.

Can all players check in any single betting round in Texas hold-em?

Yes. On the flop, turn & river.

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What are the odds of getting four of a kind in poker?

The odds of getting dealt five cards, no community, no draw, no nothing, are about 1:4,000. In Texas Hold 'Em, the odds of a four of a kind on the flop are 1:4,000 More odds: Royal Flush 1:650,000 Straight Flush 1:65,000 Four of a Kind 1:4,000 Full House 1:700 Flush 1:500 Straight 1:250 Three of a Kind 1:50 Two Pair 1:20 Pair 1:2.3

Is the king and commissioner flop?

not flop, blockbluster.........