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1 in 7,000,000,000 and you would not survive it

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Q: What are the chances of being hit by a meteorite?
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What are your chances of getting hit by a meteorite?

very, very remote

Can a meteorite hit another meteorite?

Yes,it can.

Are you gonna get hit by a meteor soon?

I doubt it. The probability of being hit by a meteorite in your lifetime is estimated at about 1 in 700,000.

What are the Odds of being hit by a meteorite the size of a Tennis Ball?

like 5 out of a billion

Is the meteorite hit the Earth?

Yes. A meteorite is a piece of rock or metal from space that has hit Earth's surface.

What are the chances of a mediaroide hitthing the Earth?

Zero. By definition a meteoriod cannot hit the earth. On a meteoriod enters the atmospehe it becomes a meteor amd when it hits the earth it is a Meteorite.

What is the name of an object from space that has hit the earth's surface?

It is called a meteorite

What is a meteor called when it hit earth?

It is called a meteorite.

What are the chances of earth never being hit by an asteroid again?


Who was hit by meteorite in Alabama?

Ann Hodges

What year did the meteorite hit the dinosaurs?


Did a meteorite hit any country?
