easy, 1011. in binary of course. convert 1011 binary to decimal you get 11.
You can are ASCII-tabellen. For converting binary to text
51 in binary is... 110011
Decimal 192 = Binary 11000000
11101000 is 232 in binary.
It would depend what the binary files are and what you wanted to do with them.
different files
Binary file that has malicious code in it can create viruses. It depends on the programming on how it will be executed. Security of Operating System is considered on how handling such files.
Text files are human-readable, binary files aren't. Note: There are some characters that are not common in text files, like 00H-08H,0BH,0E-1FH,7FH.
Binary files are compiled programs. Libraries are external resources that one or more programs can call upon to aid them in a task.
ASCII and BINARY are the basic classifications of files
DAT file are binary files with text. They can be opened in Word. They aren't pictures that can be converted into JPEGs.
A binary file is a computer file which may contain any type of data, encoded in binary form for computer storage and processing purposes; for example, computer document files containing formatted text. Many binary file formats contain parts that can be interpreted as text; binary files that contain only textual data - without, for example, any formatting information - are called plain text files. In many cases, plain text files are considered to be different from binary files because binary files are made up of more than just plain text. When downloading, a completely functional program without any installer is also often called program binary, or binaries (as opposed to the source code).A text file (sometimes spelled "textfile") is a generic description of a kind of computer file in a computer file system.[1] At this generic level of description, there are two kinds of computer files: 1) text files; and 2) binary files.[2] This broad two-level distinction is widely recognized and applied in computing, even though it can be misleading,and subject to differing interpretation
Transfer tar files in binary mode.WARNING: some ftp clients go back to ascii mode when you enter an ls or dir command. To be safe, always use the binary command before getting a binary file.
The executable files are usually in binary form. They are usually understood by the operating system.
You can rely on a Mac speed up program. It helps optimize your Mac performance by cleaning large files, duplicate files, universal binary files, cache & temporary files, language files and other unneeded data.