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Q: What are the charasteristics of a good problem?
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It takes up space.

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They are very happy to be alive!

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All matter has mass and it takes up space.

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The charasteristics of a carrot would probably be orange, rough, rugged,and full with minerals and vitamins.

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If my research is anything to go by, he is about 3 inches tall, has a bobble head, and there are like 8 of him.

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When facing a problem might be a good time!When facing a problem might be a good time!When facing a problem might be a good time!When facing a problem might be a good time!

How do you define a good problem?

A good problem is a problem that no matter the outcome both are positive. For example a good problem is not being able to decide on a dessert because both choices are good.

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The problem is the job, the problem is not you

What are the Rubrics of a Good Research Problem?

The Rubrics of a Good Research Problem are guidelines that help students to assess what makes a good podcast.

What are two important characteristics of a solid?

The two charasteristics of solid are that it has a definite shape,and a definite volume.Hope you enjoyed the answers!!!!!

What are the characteristics of good problem solvers?

A good problem is one that is the result of success or one that can have good results. A good example is that of a Chimpanzee being so good at sign language that it tricks the humans taking care of it.

What are the qualities required for a Good salesman?

A good salesman is a good problem solver.