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Q: What are the circles in the leopards coat called?
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Related questions

Why are leopards on Mary Queen of Scots coat of arms?

Those aren't leopards they are lions and they are a design for her coat of arms.

What are leopards adaptations to survive?

They need their coat and your face

What are the leopards parents called?

They are called leopards too.

how do a leopards spotted coat help him?

The stops help hide the leopard from its p

What do panthers feel like?

Panthers Feel Soft And Hairy And Somewhat Smooth Because They Are Leopards With a Black Toned Coat So They Feel The Same As Leopards.

How do cheetahs and leopards camouflage themselves?

their coat color and pattern allow them to somewhat blend in with the terrain

Are circles of different diameters that have same center called eccentric circles?

Close - they're called concentric circles.

What is a leopard group called?

A group of leopards is called a leap or a prowl. Leopards, however, are mainly solitary creatures.A leapA group of leopards is called a leap (or lepe).

How do clouded leopards look different to another clouded leopard?

The Sunda Clouded Leopard has a darker coat

Do snow leopards go through metamorphosis?


How are snow leopards adapted to the snow and ice?

They have a thick and warm coat, that adapts them to cool temperatures. In fact, snow leopards like to live in higher altitudes because of the cold temperature.

What are circles with the same center called?

concentric circles