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Q: What are the circles of attention in drama?
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Why do popular girls like to cause drama?

because they want attention

How do you do good in a school drama?

practice and really pay attention to instructions

What is attention whoring?

Basically it is slang for anyone who is starving for attention. Often times, an attention wh... tries to draw attention to herself without making it seem like she is . This is an extreme drama queen.

Why does your King Charles cavalier turn in circles?

because its bored and it wants some attention and love

What does false drama mean?

False Drama is probably someone who just wants attention. Bad. If you meet someone like that... walk away as fast as you can.

Why do people want to start drama?

Because they have nothing better to do with their live.Or want people to give them attention .

How is drama drama drama drama solved?

Don't pay any attention to it, if it's a big drama and involves you and its effects you, then you should try and solve it by being mature about it and doing the right thing. However, DO NOT be childish and call them names and/or get yourself into trouble, it'll make the situation much worse for yourself! Hope I could help!

What is Hillary Clinton's favorite shape?

Well, she's partial to circles, but squares need some attention to ya know!!

You have to be a bat for drama what are some actions you can do?

squeak and flap your imaginary wings rapidly and pretend to hunt for food by flying in circles around an imaginary prey.

What is a good way to avoid drama?

Just be really quiet and laugh to yourself as you watch from the background. DRAW NO ATTENTION.

Can you give me an example of an attention getter?

a drama queen, someone who is loud proud and normally dresses very strangely

What does it mean if someone calls you a drama queen?

It means you overeact, like to be the center of attention , like to make yourself seem more interesting than you really are , thrive on high drama , get off on the excitement of being " YOU! ".