Geometry has many uses..... For examples construction of pryamids uses geometry... or even in construction of bridges and other enjeenering marvels.....
geometric construction
the basics of construction is the back bine of geometry. you half to know how to do it. it is really important.
Geometry is real. The old teatament is fake.
Saws, chain saws,cutting tools etc.
I'll take Geometry for 800, Alex.And the Answer Is, "These were the only tools allowed by classical geometry in the proof of a theorem".
Geometry is used mainly in construction.
Geometry has many uses..... For examples construction of pryamids uses geometry... or even in construction of bridges and other enjeenering marvels.....
geometric construction
geometry is used in construction by using angles, paralell lines and ect.
the basics of construction is the back bine of geometry. you half to know how to do it. it is really important.
Construction tools are used primarily in building construction.
The answer depends on what the requirements for the basic construction are.
Geometry is real. The old teatament is fake.